Hi everybody!
Today I will talk about a good job. The job i will like to do is a geographer, principally in coastal planification. I like this job, because this job have a relation to my career and that is the reason to study this career. I like to plan and design regulator plans, places can build a harbor or a marina and demarcate roads and track to access beaches.
I think about this job I enjoy that, because it is very interesting for me and I will work with people who studied other disciplines like architecture, engineers and many others. I like coastal planification because in my country, this topic doesn't have developed, except this year, about consequences of the tsunami in February 2010.
I will be satisfying job to do, because i give to this job my knowledge about waves, coastal morphodinamics, my experience of surfing and field works in my career.
At this moment, I don't know anybody who has this kind of job, that meet with him, but I think that many people in the state or private organizations have people this kind of job.
I really like many other jobs, like surf instructor, glaciologist or geomorpher, but during the years, this jobs will changes for I like. The reason is, to understand and enter to this job, have a different perception regarding for to know before.
Why surf instructor? Because is funny, regular paid and have well ambient.
Why glaciologist? Because is interesting, applied to my career.
Why geomorpher? Because this job not very people work in there.
This is a english blog of Cristián Campos and it's English class activity.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Famous Person and Historical

Hi everybody!
Today I will talk about my favorite historical and famous person. This man is Eddie Aikau.
If you don't know this famous person, he is a hawaiian surfer. He was born in May 5, 1946 and die in February 1978.
Even though he's dead, I will like to meet, because for me, is a heroe. He tried to rescue the boat "Hokulea", organizated by the Polynesian Voyaging Society in 1978. He didn't use a life preserver, he used a surfboard to tried to rescue all the crew. He paddled toward Lanai (a hawaiian island) on his surfboard. I like to talk to him and explains to me, the real use of surfboard in different situations, why he made that decision to paddled to an island and didn't use a life preserver, further that he was a good surfer and talk to me the real experience of big waves.
He knew about waves and I will ask to Eddie about his experience of surfing, the rescue (and motivation) and the knowledge of the coast an all necesary to know an lifeguard (I really don't like be a lifeguard, but the concepts of currents and waves is very interesting and he knew about that) and obviously, the legacy of all the surfers and some chilean surfers who want to follow his path (for example: Ramon Navarro).
His person is interesting not only for me, but all chilean people who suffer the consequences of the tsunami and explains to this people "don't be afraid to go to sea, but they must be know it well" and have a good conversation to the victims, surfers and geographers to make a decision an motivation (and responsability) to live in the coast and the real spirit of surfing.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Learning english

Hi everybody!
Today I will talk about "learning english". I like learning english because it's funny, useful and sometimes easy. I think about english is sometimes easy, because most of commercial, words, concepts have in english; but, to use correct words, redaction and pronunciation is very difficult to me, because I'm talking all the day in spanish, my conversation is in spanish, that is my native language.
I think learning english is very useful, because it's necessary for understand books, papers; to communicate with other people who speak english and understand lyrics of my favorite bands and composers. But, it's not very useful to my relation with other people who speak spanish.
Will english be useful in my future profession? Of course. Today I need to read papers which the language is in english, this blog is in english and many books, relation to geography is in english, so it's very useful to my career. Many concepts about physical geography and human geography is in english. Many authors, investigators and scientist speak english. For science, english is similar to the common language, to communicate to another countries.
Finally, english is a language for business, science, and sometimes, an academic language. If I will a good professional, I need to speak english very well, write, understand and explains in english to the other people. My situation now is: I have 14 years to learn english, in different schools and universities, but, in spite of learning english a lot of years, I'm not write and speak english well (this blog probably have a redaction problems) and this blog is a tool to improve my english redaction.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Perfect day
Hi everybody!
Today I will talk about "Perfect day". An a idea for a perfect day, this day only in saturday or sunday. This day start in the morning (7 am), wake up in the house and listen the sea. 8 am, I'm going surfing in the beach, because this hour doesn't have people in the beach. I'm surfing until 9:30 to 10:00 am. I take a shower and eat a good breakfast and see in a TV only good and intersting news. A little have to rest and 12am, go to the fields, very short walking. At 2pm, I'm going to lunch, with my family in a sushi restaurant. 3:30 pm, I'm get in a car and go to the hills and listen good music in the car. 4 pm, I'm climbing the hill, and I found in a rock, a fossil and I question, what time this fossil stay here? Why this fossil have in the rock in this hill? 5pm, I need to rest, drink water (good water) and go down and take the car. 7pm, I'm going to a good cake shop and cafeteria and I eat strawberry pie and a good tea. 9 pm, I stay in a home, watching TV and my cellphone ringing... My friend invites me a good party in his house. 10 pm, I'm going to the grocery store and the cashier deal me very good, I buy some food and good wine. 11 pm, I'm going to the party, and celebrate until 2 am and the next hour, I wash my teeth and next, I'm going to the bed and sleep.
I supposed, the questions have been replied. But this perfect day, didn't have in Santiago, because this city doesn't have beach. In another place in Chile, the situation could happen.
Today I will talk about "Perfect day". An a idea for a perfect day, this day only in saturday or sunday. This day start in the morning (7 am), wake up in the house and listen the sea. 8 am, I'm going surfing in the beach, because this hour doesn't have people in the beach. I'm surfing until 9:30 to 10:00 am. I take a shower and eat a good breakfast and see in a TV only good and intersting news. A little have to rest and 12am, go to the fields, very short walking. At 2pm, I'm going to lunch, with my family in a sushi restaurant. 3:30 pm, I'm get in a car and go to the hills and listen good music in the car. 4 pm, I'm climbing the hill, and I found in a rock, a fossil and I question, what time this fossil stay here? Why this fossil have in the rock in this hill? 5pm, I need to rest, drink water (good water) and go down and take the car. 7pm, I'm going to a good cake shop and cafeteria and I eat strawberry pie and a good tea. 9 pm, I stay in a home, watching TV and my cellphone ringing... My friend invites me a good party in his house. 10 pm, I'm going to the grocery store and the cashier deal me very good, I buy some food and good wine. 11 pm, I'm going to the party, and celebrate until 2 am and the next hour, I wash my teeth and next, I'm going to the bed and sleep.
I supposed, the questions have been replied. But this perfect day, didn't have in Santiago, because this city doesn't have beach. In another place in Chile, the situation could happen.
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