This is a english blog of Cristián Campos and it's English class activity.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
English learning experience
Today is my last post in English class (yeah!), and I will talk about English learning experience. About English experience in UChile, it's very good for my development, to improve my English in my career and had a lot of works, presentations and listening with a good average (5.0 to 5.5 aprox.). I had other English classes in school and the previous university, but these classes have very well, with a lot of activities.
I enjoyed these classes, mainly presentations, because the topics of English presentations had very interesting and the results were good. Other reason is this blog. Realize this blog, for this semester was very interesting and sometimes funny. But, the blog was the better way to improve my English and interact with my classmates, and presentations were very good to have good vocabulary and pronunciation.
The most boring of English class is the written test, because didn't have interact with my classmates and sometimes, topics and texts have very boring.
The most difficult part in English class was complete words in a text. Sometimes have only one correct of 10 words or sometimes didn't finish the activity, because I needed more time to complete sentences.
Well, this is the last post. Thanks for your time to read these posts and have a good time.
Yours sincerely
Cristian Campos Valdivia.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Classmate's blogs
Today I will talk about a blog of one classmate. This blog is Revolution! of Nicolás Villalobos. I like this blog because is easy to read, interesting posts and simple in the distribution.
This blog first with a image of The Beatles, the title of this blog is "Revolution!" and it's a song of The Beatles. In the posts, have interesting images and titles.
The post which I enjoyed most is "Favorite Childhood Game", the last post of this blog. I enjoyed this post because I played the game "Galaga" in NES or flipper in vacations. I remember this game, because it's simple, not easy and funny. I played this game when I had 5 to 10 years, and always die in the 3rd level, it's very difficult!
About this blog, is necessary to improve that, principally the distribution and configuration of the page. The image of The Beatles, generate problems with space and the posts appear in the lower side of the page and it's necessary for a reader blog, scroll up to see this blog.
In some post, the text height is very, very small. This problem generates difficulty for read. Furthermore, colors of the text and different text height in different post is one of the problems that it's necessary improve.
Other things to improve are to add links of all classmates. The reason is, to generate better access to another blogs and make navigates easy.
In spite of these problems, the blog is very interesting, good choices to answer the questions and topics and other reasons to enjoyed this blog.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Favorite game when I was a child

Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Best Chilean: Pedro Aguirre Cerda

Today I will talk about "The Best Chilean". For me, the best Chilean is Pedro Aguirre Cerda.
This man was a president of Chile, between 1938 and 1941. He was a political figure and member of Radical Party.
The slogan "Gobernar es educar" (to govern is to educate) show this priority in government was education. He promoted the development of the technical-industrial schools and creates the Production Development Corporation (CORFO) to encourage with subsidies and direct investments and a program of import substitution industrialization (ISI). This was a basis of the industrialization of my country. In education, in this government, built thousands of new regular schools and encouraged the growth of the university system to cover the whole of the country.
For me, this is a important person, because the legacy of education keep until today (in spite of that education today is wrong, but for other reasons) and create an institution to develop industries, it remains today, supporting small and medium enterprises (PYMES) and other encourage in investigation and innovation.
If I could ask him, the question is: Create a lot of schools is great, but the quality of the class in this schools, how do you measure that? How do you encourage the quality of education? I think the answer of these questions, resolve the problem of education today, because he creates the system, but today, have to need an actualization.
Other thing about Pedro Aguirre Cerda is the chileans call him Don Tinto, because he had a farm with grapevine to create wine in Los Andes.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
A good job
Today I will talk about a good job. The job i will like to do is a geographer, principally in coastal planification. I like this job, because this job have a relation to my career and that is the reason to study this career. I like to plan and design regulator plans, places can build a harbor or a marina and demarcate roads and track to access beaches.
I think about this job I enjoy that, because it is very interesting for me and I will work with people who studied other disciplines like architecture, engineers and many others. I like coastal planification because in my country, this topic doesn't have developed, except this year, about consequences of the tsunami in February 2010.
I will be satisfying job to do, because i give to this job my knowledge about waves, coastal morphodinamics, my experience of surfing and field works in my career.
At this moment, I don't know anybody who has this kind of job, that meet with him, but I think that many people in the state or private organizations have people this kind of job.
I really like many other jobs, like surf instructor, glaciologist or geomorpher, but during the years, this jobs will changes for I like. The reason is, to understand and enter to this job, have a different perception regarding for to know before.
Why surf instructor? Because is funny, regular paid and have well ambient.
Why glaciologist? Because is interesting, applied to my career.
Why geomorpher? Because this job not very people work in there.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Famous Person and Historical

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Learning english

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Perfect day
Today I will talk about "Perfect day". An a idea for a perfect day, this day only in saturday or sunday. This day start in the morning (7 am), wake up in the house and listen the sea. 8 am, I'm going surfing in the beach, because this hour doesn't have people in the beach. I'm surfing until 9:30 to 10:00 am. I take a shower and eat a good breakfast and see in a TV only good and intersting news. A little have to rest and 12am, go to the fields, very short walking. At 2pm, I'm going to lunch, with my family in a sushi restaurant. 3:30 pm, I'm get in a car and go to the hills and listen good music in the car. 4 pm, I'm climbing the hill, and I found in a rock, a fossil and I question, what time this fossil stay here? Why this fossil have in the rock in this hill? 5pm, I need to rest, drink water (good water) and go down and take the car. 7pm, I'm going to a good cake shop and cafeteria and I eat strawberry pie and a good tea. 9 pm, I stay in a home, watching TV and my cellphone ringing... My friend invites me a good party in his house. 10 pm, I'm going to the grocery store and the cashier deal me very good, I buy some food and good wine. 11 pm, I'm going to the party, and celebrate until 2 am and the next hour, I wash my teeth and next, I'm going to the bed and sleep.
I supposed, the questions have been replied. But this perfect day, didn't have in Santiago, because this city doesn't have beach. In another place in Chile, the situation could happen.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
A shop I like

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
My favorite "Fiestas Patrias"
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Students demonstrations
Hi everybody!
Today I will talk about student demonstrations. This week and the last week the students of my faculty, had a demonstration of education politics of the government. I really don't like explain this topic, but it's an obligatory activity...
These students voted stopped academic activities in the FAU, and some students had a march in the center of Santiago. The consequences of this march, in the last Thursday had a strike with the police and they shot paintballs to inside the university and tear gas.
Leopoldo Prat, dean of the FAU, wrote a public declaration and explains all the situation of students, point of view of the strike and the reason of this demonstration. After, Víctor Pérez, rector of Universidad de Chile, wrote other public declaration, who explains a preoccupation of this situation, suspended a meeting with the general director of the police and set a meeting with Rodrigo Hinzpeter, Ministry of the Interior.
Personally I think these demonstrations always generate problems, strikes between students and government, doesn’t generate dialog with 2 parts and don’t resolve the problem of education. Refer to I need to participate of this activities; I don’t like that, because I don’t like to generate problems with the police.
But the reason of in this Blog, don’t explain more about my opinion of this demonstration, because I have a lot of problems with my classmates with this topic, about classes suspension and all of this meeting of faculty and I really, don’t like to explain more of this topic and all the readers of this blog and the teacher understand my decision.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
A good book
Hi everybody!
Today I write in my house, because I can't enter to the faculty... but the english activity continues.
I will talk about a good book. The book calls "Mala Onda" and it was by Alberto Fuguet.
I chose to read this book because it is obligatory text in my school (this book read in 2004) and all of books when I read, it's the best.
Obviously, I enjoyed this book. This book refers the context of young man’s in 1980. They have a good economic situation and the author explains all of this adventures, the process in the capital city Santiago and the problems of the curfew. I enjoyed this book, because all of the topics, context and situations are interesting and relatively near to my life, but... in 1980!
This book read in my house and school library. But, the good place to read this book or another books in the beach or in the toilet. The reason is: In the beach, the sound of broken waves or wind was perfect for concentration and in the toilet, because it is necessary to didn't boring.
Read is a good activity, but the difficult situation is read a book, a newspaper or magazine. Sincerely, I like to read magazines, academic books or newspapers instead of novels, best sellers or other narrative books. The reason is, all of this books only reads when I call to read and now, I can’t feel to enjoy this books.
That is the reason that I don’t like these books now.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Chilean miners' families pitch up at Camp Hope
Thursday, August 19, 2010
3rd Surfestival 2008. An a surfing exhibition.

I really enjoyed this event, because it is the moment who disconnect to the routine and test (I visited this festival after PSU) and I really interested about places to surf in Chile and another places in the world. As well, I visited the surfboard exhibition, when have many designs of chilean shapers (Shaper: A person who design and create a surfboard) or world shapers.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Snowboarding, an activity that i would like to do.

Monday, June 21, 2010
A work of art: Die gelbe Kuh

Today i will talk about a work of art i like. This painting is "Die Gelbe Kuh", in english: "The Yellow Cow".
This painting was created by Franz Marc, german painter. He borned in 1880 in Munich and he was died in 1916 in Braquis. He created this work in 1911 and it's the second work. The movement of this work is the expresionism, because the colorful cow and landscapes identifies this movement.
I like this painting because the use of colors, to use to paint a... cow? The gesture and position likes very funny, shows the pose of the cow.
I saw this painting the first time in 2006, when i had a subject in the last university says Expressionism and Surrealism in Europe. When i had a work of another painting, i choosed this work. Next, i investigated this work and i need to realized a essay for this paint. For my fortune or my good choice, i had a good mark.
What makes this work special?
This work makes special because this paint is funny, gracious and interesting. I like the gesture of cows, when the cows running (yes, it's very funny) and this painting shows this movement and obviously, i like this paint. Another reason is, when i realized this essay, i have a very good mark in this subject in second semester 2006. Now, this subject can't validate of my actual career, Geography. Because, Geography and... Expressionism and Surrealism? don't have any relation.
Well, if you like this painting, please comment of this blog.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Favorite Website: Surfline
This page shows about surfing photos, forecasts, videos, surf sessions, surf discussion, and all about waves.
I found this page in the summer, when i need to know about waves in the coast in this week and I heared a recomendation from my friend for this page.
I like this page, because it's useful, necessary and interesting for to go to surfing. Besides, i the last week it's necessary of my work in Sea Geography.
The best thing about this page for me is forecast. This section have a good forecast of central Chile and the beachs (or spots) to go to surfing, in details.
The problem when i don't like it is the language. This page have in English and the measure units have in imperial, not in metric. Besides, the surf cams doesn't have in Chile, because the resources to put the webcams in the beach is very expensive and the broadband (8 to 10 M/Seg) doesn't have in all chilean territory, mainly in the coast of south of Chile.
My other friends don't like it because the language don't understand (not only english, the technical surfer words), my friends doesn't interesting about surfing and prefer to visit other websites.
If you have interested about the conditions of the coast in central Chile, please visit the Surfline Gadget, in the right side of this blog.
Well, that is all my post.
Cristian Campos V.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Second free post: Parral
Today I will talk about my field work in Parral, VII Region. In the last thursday, I prepare the luggage to going to Parral. This work concern to the subject: Cultural Geography. I was going to Parral about 4 days. The idea of this field work is to get back artistical and cultural heritage, and the building patrimonial. My field of study is the center of the town, historic quarter. Why the name is "Historic Quarter"? Because this is the functional center and it's the oldest part of the town.
This zone have many shops, banks (one and the most important bank is destroyed), churchs, administrative buildings, municipality building, public library, public high school, notary's office, theather, primary school and many adobe houses, when the last earthquake, many houses was collapsed. After the earthquake, many adobe houses was replaced with shacks or huts. In Parral, 15 people died and the Hospital have structural damage.
The high school have structural damage in the second and third floor. The windows was broken, the structural rods was bended.
Monday, May 31, 2010
My best holiday!

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Mistakes and fails of my presentation
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Free Post
Today i will talk about a free topic. The topic is, my situation (this is similar to "Stream of consciousness"). Today i have a test of Economic Geography at 12 o'clock and it's difficult because this test have a lot of writting, and the question of the test is about globalization, regional analysis, text comprehension and concepts of economic geography. Before this test, i have a local climatology class, but only 7 classmates came to this class today. Next i have a second class of local climatology with a assistant professor, when explains about statistics and methods to use interpolation of the temperature and precipitation data and this assistant professor has furious because the classmates and me, don't have read and understand the information and instructions for the work.
After the Economic Geography test, i ate sushi in a restaurant "Mr. Cook" and next, i bought a tea cup and drank them.
Now i have english class, i prepare (really, bad prepare) the presentation about hobbies. My topic when i will take about is surfing, but the complications of the test and the discourse analisys of Cultural Geography, when i give to the assistant professor, can't realize better my presentation. Most of my classmates can't prepare the english presentation and today, yes, thursday, i write in this blog. Normally, i write this blog on monday, at 3 to 4 pm, but this exception of the problems of presentation, I can write in this day.
Next week, in monday, I have my presentation. The next class today is Cultural Geography and next... back to home.
Tomorrow i left Santiago. Why? Because i will going to Pichilemu for 3 days. The reason is, I need to practice surfing, visit places when have destruction of earthquake and tsunami in february. The same places when i visited before earthquake in the first and second week in february 2003. But, (yes, BUT) the real reason to going to Pichilemu is to rest, sleep and don't study.
This week is a bad week. Many and many test have this week, Sea Geography, Cultural Geography, ¿English?, Economic Geography and..., really, i can't remember other test or works. The last week was similar to now, but, afortunately this is a short week. May 21th is a holiday, when celebrates the Naval Glories, and... the boring president speech, when my family likes to hear that... Well, i don't have preocupation of that, because this time, probably going to the beach and practice surfing or, going to the bed andgoing to sleep a lot.
Yes, this post don't have a good order, but this post is similar to the literary topic, the "Stream of consciousness", but I need to write more to 250 words in this blog. This is requirement to post on this. In this case, don't worry about correct words.
Now, I finish this post.
PS: I write only 487 words.
Monday, May 17, 2010
A Photograph: FIDAE 94'

Today I will explain about my favorite old photograph.
I like this photograph because it reminds me of what i was like as a child and it's a airplane that generated problems an political problems in the last time, the bought of the airplane "Mirage".
This photo was taken by my mother with a analog camera (Kodak). My father and my brother saw another airplane and didn't show in this photo.
The photograph shows me, when i felt happy, but i felt nervious, that is my hands has in this position. In this image, i was 6 years old. Shows the airplane "Mirage", people when saw this airplane and the flags of the old Cerrillos Airport.
This photo was taken in march 1994 in the FIDAE, means "Feria Internacional del Aire y del espacio" in spanish, but the airplane who shows more attractive is this plane in the photo. The other planes in this event is only commercial planes and helicopters. The plane who takes aerial photos, shows in the next 2 years. In this time, represents diferent countries who shows innovation about airplanes, have a lot of garbage in the floor, because this day had a hot day and the Coke paper cups had sold in this event.
The last time when I visit this event in 1998 is the last time who realize this event in this Cerrillos airport, after this airport was closed and created a park. In 2010, this event realized in Pudahuel airport.
In general, I have a good memory of this event, I felt happy, I walk a lot and felt exhausted.
Monday, May 10, 2010
A country I would you like to visit: Australia

Monday, May 3, 2010
Revision: My earthquake experience
Original Post:
My earthquake experience begin in the night of the earthquake a 27 of february, I did sleep in my bedroom in Santiago, Chile in that moment (3:37 am) the shake was very strong and wake- up my parents too and to decide went to secure area in my house.
My earthquake experience begin in the night of the earthquake at(ww) 27 of february, I did sleep in my bedroom in Santiago, Chile.(P)(v) In that moment (3:37 am) the shake was very strong and wake up(sp) my parents too and to decide went to secure area in my house.
There a long wait while the earthquake was passing(wt), in this moment the wine glass fell(wt).
I reacted with(sp) my parent, but I prefered save my possesions.
After one month I post in Twitter(wf) a point (.) (P) that meant one minute of silence.
Chile reacted very good. The people know that do in case of tsunami(sp), they ran(wt) quickly to the mount or stayed(wt) in a secure area.
The(wf) problems was the government, they were FAIL!(v) and to lie to the people provoking many death.
All death could are prevention(?), this people was inocent to believed that the tsunami didn't(v) go(?).
Finally this tragedy demostrated(wt) the chilean solidarity!
About Araya's blog
Monday, April 26, 2010
An activity i enjoy doing in your free time: Surfing

Monday, April 19, 2010
New volcanic ash cloud
Favorite Movie: Lords of Dogtown

I will explain about my favorite movie.
This movie calls: Lords of Dogtown.
The movie was directed by Catterine Hardwicke in 2005 and written by Stacy Peralta.
The first time to saw this movie is in 2006, at the Araucano Park, in a promotion a brand. I did´t pay to see the movie, because are free pay.
This movie like, because the plot and the topic it's interesting. In this time (2006) I saw this movie with my friends and at this moment, I practiced with my skateboard (and, the last moment is in this year, because was stolen in november 2006). I interested to saw this movie, because I needed to search the origin of the skateboard culture, and the relation with surfing in the 70's. This movie now it's important because one of the actor is Heath Ledger, when dies recently.
The reason of this movie it's better than other movies is difficult, only when you interest the topic and the origin of this movement and understand this now in the world, include in my country, when this movement arrived in 1977 and the peak of this in 1979 to 1980. Next, in the 90's was return and this was support to now.
Do you know this movie?
I hope to expected your comments.
Monday, April 12, 2010
My experience of the earthquake
Monday, April 5, 2010
A place in Chile that i enjoyed visiting frequently: Pichilemu
In Pichilemu, I walked in the beach and the center of the city, where have many shops and restaurants, I ate ice creams and I bought a t-shirt. When I return to Santiago, I remembered the good moments of this place, until 27th february, when this places when I visited in this summer, dissapeared rapidly and I feel bad.
Monday, March 29, 2010
This is the first post in english, sorry for my poor vocabulary or grammar, but i try to explain better.
I'm student. I like surfing and... that's all. Today I haven't more words to explain.
All the best
Cristian Campos V.